Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

The classroom benefits of technology are great for both teacher and student. In a classroom where technology is utilized appropriately, students are better able to become active learners. The Barron article uses the example of students being able to listen to a speech by Martin Luther King Jr. or watch a march he lead instead of reading about him in a textbook. Students are empowered by the different ways they can research and learn about a topic due to the availability of the internet and easy access to computers.

Teachers also benefit from the ever-developing technology because they are able to reach out to more students. We know that students have many different learning styles and only a few of them are targeting in current teaching methods. With the use of technology in the classroom, teachers can prepare lessons that more of their students will relate to.

It is important to remember that technology is only beneficial when used properly and appropriately in the classroom. Teachers need to constantly try to improve their teaching methods and not use technology as a shortcut to teaching a topic. However, the benefits of correctly used technology in the classroom can improve students achievement as well as allow teachers more options in their teaching methods.

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